Super Stem World
Spatialized Sound Game Created using Unity
Last updated
Spatialized Sound Game Created using Unity
Last updated
Super Stem World:
In the spirit of the GTA aesthetic, the player also has the opportunity to engage in a side mission. The goals of the side mission are not necessarily educational driven but provide a unique experience of music production elements.
The side mission is titled โSuper Stem Worldโ. In music production, stems are the individual audio tracks in isolation. For example, an instrumental could have 4 separate tracks consisting of Drums, a Bassline, a Harmony, and Melody track. A master track would be a combination of the 4, master branch. In this case, each of the 4 tracks exist independently like different parts of a tree, stems. Included in the game are 4 unique instrumentals list, each containing separate stems. At runtime, the stems are randomly located throughout the map, hidden inside a cube. Each stemโs audio is being spatialized in the world. The goal for the player is to find the hidden stems using their spatial awareness (left and right audio volumes), then collider to make a standard stereo track. The closer the player is to a sound, the louder it will get. After all the stems are located the effect is now the stems come together to create a master stereo mixed instrumental.
The increase gamification of the playerโs experience, yellow jackets are constantly chasing the player. If yellow jackets collide with the player, coins are deducted. If the player runs out of points, they lose the side mission and can try again. Dummy cubes are placed throughout the map to Increase difficulty of finding stems, while also providing the player with a way to collect coins to stay alive. If the player is having difficulty finding stems, coins can also be used to activate a radar and mini map assistance for a limited time.